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on August 14, 2006
Vital Stats
Age: 20
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Dervish
Secondary Profession: Assassin
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Icy Scythe
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Don't forget to check our list of Prophecies Pre-Searing Quests to aid in your adventures. Post-Searing Quests & Missions, Factions Quests & Missions, as well as those of future chapters are available to guild members only
Elona, Land of the Golden Sun. Now that the source of the Evils in both Tyria and Cantha have been traced to this continent, the leaders of the Real Millennium Group have focused their attention on bringing down the Forgotten God and his followers. Korbin, Osiria, Jia He, and Korina have enlisted the aid of the following Sunpear Warriors who have joined our ranks for the common good. Their indominitable spirit and sense of rightousness has made them powerful allies and leaders for the Guild.

Violet was the traditional color worn by those who served and learned from the Serpents, and who formed the original Knowledge Bearers Guild. Thus this becomes the backdrop of the new standard. Rising above the red flames of the Searing and blood of War is the Green Serpent of Truth, reborn to continue the quest for Knowledge and Peace.
The RMG is currently recruiting new members. Click here to take a look at our requirements and benefits of being a member of the guild, then use our contact form to send us the name of the character who will receive an invitation. Please feel free to include any questions you may have in your e-mail. Be sure to check out the Guild Members area of the site, which includes game world maps!!
Keep the medieval alive - A ton of castle Lego collectibles at:
These are the Guild Leaders who hail from the continent of Elona and the Battle Isles.
Click the other continents to see the leaders who hail from those lands:
Alima grew up in Chahbek Village, and learned at a young age to steel herself against the horrors of the Coursairs. When her father was killed in a raid, Alima's mother took her and fled to the relative safety of Kamadan, where she lived out her teenage years, and became close friends with Wangari. They joined the Sunspears together and have traveled all of Istan, rising in rank and respect. Upon learning of the threats to the other lands, the pair decided to part ways, with Wangari heading to help out the guild leaders in Tyria, and Alima traveling to Cantha to lend aid to Jia He and Korina. It was here that Alima decided to learn the arts of the Assassin to better prepare herself for the return to Elona and the final showdown with Varesh Ossa and Abbadon's followers.
Vital Stats
Age: 46
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Paragon
Secondary Profession: Warrior
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Firey Spear
Hailing from the Kournan capital city of Jahai, Jelani lived a life steeped in the storied history of Turai Ossa and his defeat of Palawa Joko. He has geatly admired the Heroes of old and yearned to travel to Gandara to join the Kournan military and make history of his own. However, upon a trip to Istan during his teen years, he received a firsthand look at the barbarism of the Coursairs upon the villagers in the Issner Isles and Chahbek Village. Against his parent's wishes, Jelani remained on Istan to join the Sunspears instead, and has since proven himself a fierce and deadly warrior. Yet, his compassion for the townspeople of Istan still shows through his battle hardened exterior. But know Jelani finds his loyalties tested as his is called to battle against his fellow countrymen, and their leader - Varesh Ossa.
Mystic Necromancer
Vital Stats
Age: 33
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Necromancer
Secondary Profession: Dervish
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Icy Scythe
Virtually nothing is known about Kambiroiro other than his icy hated towards Abaddon and his minions. Cold and calculating, this Necromancer wields his Scythe as if he were Death itself.