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Become a member of the RMG guild and get free web space to post your Character's pix, stats, and more!!
Don't forget to check our list of Prophecies Pre-Searing Quests to aid in your adventures. Post-Searing Quests & Missions, Factions Quests & Missions, as well as those of future chapters are available to guild members only
Though originating in Tyria, with leaders from all three human kingdoms, the devastation that the Charr wrought among the kingdoms dwindled the Real Millennium Group guild to almost nothing. Only four leaders survived from Tyria, three from Ascalon and one from Orr. But since the searing, Korbin, Landemora, Lord Armnoth, and Hanok have been trying to reform the guild and get back to the original founding principles of Truth, Knowledge, and Peace. With passage to the southern continent of Cantha reopened, the guild has now established a foothold and works to bring peace and freedom to that nation in addition to Tryia.

Violet was the traditional color worn by those who served and learned from the Serpents, and who formed the original Knowledge Bearers Guild. Thus this becomes the backdrop of the new standard. Rising above the red flames of the Searing and blood of War is the Green Serpent of Truth, reborn to continue the quest for Knowledge and Peace.
The RMG is currently recruiting new members. Click here to take a look at our requirements and benefits of being a member of the guild, then use our contact form to send us the name of the character who will receive an invitation. Please feel free to include any questions you may have in your e-mail. Be sure to check out the Guild Members area of the site, which includes game world maps!!
Vital Stats
Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 138 lbs.
Keep the medieval alive - A ton of castle Lego collectibles at:
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Ritualist
Secondary Profession: Elementalist
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Wand
The daughter of Korbin, Korina was sent to the southern nation of Cantha as a young girl along with her mother to escape the horrors of the Guild Wars. Growing up with an intense fascination for the arcane arts of the Ritualist, Korina studied under Master Togo at the Shing Jea Monestary. Coupling her spiritual prowess with the powers of the Aeromancer, Korina has became a force to be reckoned with in her teenage years. Traveling to the mainland to learn the source of the plague devastating Cantha, Korina has learned of the devastation of her birthland, and now is torn between her loyalty to Cantha, and her love for her father.
These are the Guild Leaders who hail from the continent of Cantha.
Click the other continents to see the leaders who hail from those lands:
Don't forget to check out the leaders from the other lands in Guild Wars:
Spiritual Mesmer
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Mesmer
Secondary Profession: Ritualist
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Chaos Wand
Vital Stats
Age: 41
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Neydaline has an interesting heritage, being from a Canthan father and Elonian mother. She was born and raised in Kaineng City, but traveled to Shing Jea to study under Instructor Ng and Master Togo when both her parents will killed by the Jade Brotherhood. Having a natural inclination for the mystic arts of the Mesmer, she plans to use her skills to help the Imperial Guard rid the city of the Brotherhood and other evils, such as the plague. Afterwards, she plans to travel to Elona to see her mother's birthland, and then to the Crystal Desert with Korbin to reach the Ascension her ancestors never could.
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Elementalist
Secondary Profession: Necromancer
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Earth Wand
Vital Stats
Age: 32
Weight: 179 lbs.
Orginially hailing from the Luxon capitol of Cavalon, like most of his people, Tananka had an intense hatred of the Kurzicks as a child. When he was ten years of age, Tananka was separated from his caravan when they were ambushed by Kurzicks, near the massive Kaineng City. He was found wandering by a patrol of Imperial Guardsmen, and sent to live in the Shing Jea Monastery. It was there that he learned the value of tolerance and peace. Tananka now works to bring his people together with the Kurzicks with the help of Ling to defeat the plague brought about by Shiro Tagachi.
RPG Character
Primary Profession: Assassin
Secondary Profession: Ranger
Current Level: 20
Primary Weapon: Longbow
Vital Stats
Age: 30
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 118 lbs.
Coming from a long line of Canthan assassins, Ling grew into the profession mainly as a ceremonial one. However, a Luxon assassin recruited and initially trained Ling in their fight against the Kurzicks. She marked her first kill at the age of twelve, but was so disturbed by the act, she swore never to pick up a pair of daggers again. Her family encouraged the young girl to go to Shing Jea to atone for her actions. There she took a liking to the living nature found on the island (unlike the Petrification of the Echovald), and particularly at Minister Cho's estate, which prompted her to take on training as a Ranger. However, learning about the plague and seeing the devastation firsthand on Cho's estate, Ling realized that her promise must go unrealized as her skills in the art of Death must now be used to aid her nation against Shiro's evil.